The European trade of enslaved people and colonial slavery affected three continents and had a lasting and profound impact on the world, with the deportation of more than 12 million Africans to the European colonies in America and the Indian Ocean between the beginning of the 16th century and the middle of the 19th century. Through this presentation, the historian Bernard Michon will review the major trade flows that affected the African continent, emphasising the specificity of the trade organised by the Europeans. He will define the meaning of the term “slave” and its insertion in the long history of humanity, and will explain what were the slaveries societies, how they were organised and their particularity due to the presence of very large populations of enslaved people. This general presentation will be an opportunity to discuss these questions of history, which remain fundamental and are at the heart of the MANIFEST project.
Bernard Michon is the MANIFEST Advisory Board member, historian and lecturer in modern history and Deputy Director of CRHIA/RCAIH – Research Centre for Atlantic and International History at the University of Nantes (France).
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